Problems after upgrade mariadb

As you should know, there’s an important bug on TLS libs on every linux OS.
So upgrade is mandatory.
There’s also another little update in mariadb if you’re using it instead of mysql.
The problem is there, but not the indicator.

The problem in my case comes from the smtp server, I got the error:

535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: authentication failure

While tring to send an email (only sending, receiving works fine).
Looking in mail.log:

Mar  6 10:49:06 ciberterminal postfix/smtpd[29949]: warning: SASL authentication failure: Password verification failed
Mar  6 10:49:06 ciberterminal postfix/smtpd[29949]: warning: localhost.localdomain[]: SASL authentication failed: authentication failure

Auth failed from SASL? WTF!
So i began debuging it:

/usr/sbin/saslauthd -a pam -c -m /var/spool/postfix/saslauthd -r -n 1 -d -VVVVVVVVVV

But it only shows:

do_auth: auth failure: [] [service=smtp] [] [mech=pam] [reason=PAM auth error]

Anything else.
Searching internet, I saw that post, I forgot to look for errors on auth.log!
Here it is:

Mar  7 10:48:41 ciberterminal saslauthd[4552]: PAM unable to dlopen( /lib/security/ symbol make_scrambled_password, version libmysqlclient_18 not defined in file with link time reference
Mar  7 10:48:41 ciberterminal saslauthd[4552]: PAM adding faulty module:
Mar  7 10:48:41 ciberterminal saslauthd[4552]: DEBUG: auth_pam: pam_authenticate failed: Module is unknown
Mar  7 10:48:41 ciberterminal saslauthd[4552]: do_auth         : auth failure: [] [service=smtp] [] [mech=pam] [reason=PAM auth error]

Continue reading “Problems after upgrade mariadb”

Openvpn in the TP-LINK WR841N[D]

Hi folks,
Here comes a post to improve that great router from TP-LINK.
Of course, I suppose you’re running openwrt on it to use the whole power of it.
The 1st I saw was that you have available a plenty set of packages… but you don’t have enough ROM to install them :-P
Inspecting a bit, I saw that under /tmp you have a “lot” of free space! (about 14MB), that will be enough to allow run openvpn without problems.
The main problem? Its a ramdisk, so each boot, everything there disappears.
What I’ve done? Install the basics with opkg and wget on boot the rest ;-)


Continue reading “Openvpn in the TP-LINK WR841N[D]”

The inexpensive Video-Phone project

Happy new year!!!
After my adventures trying to build Android from source, I want to explain the reason for that.
As I live very far from my fathers and they’re elder, I’ve been thinking for a long time how to have a easy way to make videoconf with them and share photos… The usual things you know?
The main problem was that they’ve never used a PC and the newest gadget they have is a Nokia X2

Continue reading “The inexpensive Video-Phone project”

Explicando un tunel ssh

Que mejor manera de explicar un tunel ssh que con un dibujito?
(Me he dejado las puppets en casa)

A veces parece increíble que a un ingeniero diplomado le cueste entender el concepto de “cerca”, “lejos” y “saltar a través” que supone un tunel.

Personalmente siempre me ha gustado la explicación con ascii art:

+----------+<--port 22-->+----------+<--port 80-->o-----------+
|SSH Client|-------------|ssh_server|-------------| host |
+----------+ +----------+ o-----------+
localhost:8888 computer

En el que basta con explicar que “” no es accesible desde “SSH Client” y mediante el tunel ssh a través de “ssh_server” QUE SÍ TIENE ACCESO, te traes el puerto :80 a tu ordenador en el puerto 8888.
Todo esto con una linea tan simple como:

SSH Client$ ssh -L ssh_server

Os dejo el maravilloso dibujo con el que puede ser que me haya entendido “mi” usuario ;-)

Serverstats, el “cacti” ligero

En mi búsqueda habitual de aplicaciones lightweight y tras tirar “cacti” a la basura por motivos de rendimiento óbvios, he encontrado “serverstats” a través de un blog donde lo analizan bastante bien, asi que no voy a ponerme a analizarlo yo :P

La cuestión viene cuando he intentando personalizar la configuración inicial.
Lo primero que he visto que aunque en la documentación diga que modificando el fichero “config/sources.php” carga módulos… no lo hace :-P, únicamente hará caso del fichero “config/simple.php“.
Por ejemplo, para activar el módulo de monitorización de mysql he tenido que habilitarlo en el “simple.php“:

'mysql' => array(
'used' => true,
'host' => 'localhost',
'user' => 'serverstats',
'password' => 'serverstats',
'graphs' => array(
'questions' => array('used' => true, 'title' => 'MySQL: questions per second'),
'processes' => array('used' => true, 'title' => 'MySQL: query count ("SHOW PROCESSLIST")')

Continue reading “Serverstats, el “cacti” ligero”